Category: News

Soft Science City in Cities Foretold

Tracey Clement, Soft Science City, 2018-2022 (detail), vintage laboratory glass, knitted and wound acrylic yarn.

Soft Science City will feature in the group show Cities Foretold.

Soft Science City highlights the fact that the metropolis is always in flux; it’s a work-in-progress, a kind of dynamic experiment in coexistence. In Soft Science City cold rational laboratory glass meets warm soft knitting. And here, these opposites not only attract, they are inextricably linked. Working together they form a mini-metropolis in which fuzzy logic is made manifest. In other words, there are no precise solutions offered by this experiment, no single right answer. But it does point out that diversity and inclusion are key factors in creating a thriving city.

Cities Foretold
1 Sept – 2 Oct
Art Space on the Concourse
Chatswood, NSW